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Wildflower Seeds Mixes

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Wildflower Seed Mixes

Bulk wildflower seed mix allows you to have a stunning display of color anywhere in your yard or garden. Choose from perennial or cut-flower mixes ideal for having an abundance of your favorite species. Dryland and low-growing wildflower seeds may be perfect options for areas with arid or semi-arid climates that have inconsistent rainfall. A partial shade mixture helps you grow a variety of beautiful flowers in areas that may have at least a moderate amount of shade.

If you enjoy having hummingbirds or butterflies in your yard, we offer wildflower mixtures that will attract these beauties. Butterflies and hummingbirds play a vital role in pollination, as do bees, and you can take advantage of mixes to attract butterflies. Intermountain and Midwest seed mixes help provide an abundance of the flower types that you most like to see but may not have growing wild in your yard all the time. When you're searching for perennial wildflowers seeds or annual seeds, you'll also enjoy being able to choose deer-resistant species that are less likely to end up being eaten before you get the full enjoyment from them.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wildflower Seeds

Can I Just Sprinkle Wildflower Seeds?

You can sprinkle wildflower seeds, but you will have the best chances of seeing growth if you prepare the soil first. Consider raking over a fine layer of soil to help provide better protection from wind or heavy rainfall. If you choose to nourish your seeds with organic matter like peat moss or compost, the seeds will benefit from being sown in a bed with preparation.

Another advantage of a prepared bed is that a light layer of soil helps protect the seeds from hungry birds. If you have an existing group of wildflowers growing in your yard and like a "wild" look, this type of area may be a great place to consider sprinkling some seeds. Think about how much preparation or upkeep you would like to do.

When Should Wildflower Seeds Be Planted?

Wildflower seeds should be planted during the early spring months in most locations to help eliminate issues with temperature extremes. In areas with particularly cold winter weather, spring planting allows the seeds to take root after the threat of frost is mostly past. When planting in places with very hot temperatures in the summer, early planting will help your young plants avoid heat-related damage.

In areas with relatively cool climates, fall planting may be ideal for wildflower seeds. Plant your seeds after the first hard frost arrives in your area. The seeds should result in flowers that are in full bloom in early spring.

Do Wildflower Seeds Come Back Every Year?

Wildflower seeds are likely to come back yearly after they have become established in their growing area. To give your wildflowers the best chance of returning, make sure you allow them to reseed. Keeping the flowerbed well nourished is one of the best ways to ensure that your flowers will return yearly.

To make sure you have a good display each year, consider reseeding your garden area. If the wildflower seeds that you have planted include varieties that are not native, you are more likely to have to reseed these species. Make sure you are consistent about how you keep your seeds nourished in all cases.